HD Enabler FAQs

Where can I get firmware?

Due to legal reasons, this is only an open-source design. Any firmware will need to either be coded on your own or legally obtained. We will not offer any support for firmware nor will provide any firmware for these devices.

Can I use it with (X) BIOS?

You will need to use either Cerbios or a patched copy of M8+.

Can I use the HD enabler with (insert chipname) modchip?

Yes, you can find pinouts on our GitHub.

How can I program my HD Enabler?

You will need to use a ST-LINK2 programmer and follow the programming guide on our GitHub.

Why is my XBOX booting with the fans @ 100% and a flashing orange light on the front panel?

This happens when items are not working properly on the SMBUS (SDA, SCL) or are causing faults on the SMBUS. Please double-check your wiring to SDA, and SCL and insure you have a good 5V source and a good GND point.